Pluto-for-Channels (PHP)

These files are now refresh every 30 minutes.
Unique deviceID and sid parameters are inserted into the stream URLs every time the playlist link below file is called. This should prevent stream conflicts and dropouts.

Thank you, Channels Devs for the maddox/pluto-for-channels repo which this page calls in the background.

To use these links, just right-click and "Copy Link Address", then paste into the Channels Admin page for Pluto settings.
Pluto Playlist.m3u
Pluto epg.xml

Files last updated: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:30:06 -0400
Running pluto-for-channels version: 1.2.13

Stirr-for-Channels (PHP)

These links run the stirr-for-channels GO program in the background with the STIRR_STATION_ID set to 'national'


Please help fund the bandwidth costs to provide frequent updates to m3u+EPG data for PlutoTV and Stirr. Thanks!
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This project on Github: pluto-for-channels-php
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